
Our Services

The vision of Bethesda Lutheran Services is to provide quality services that fulfill the social, emotional, and spiritual needs of children and youth by providing an effective and efficient continuum of care in a quality-focused environment. 

The intent of Bethesda Lutheran Services is to be recognized as a leader in providing quality managed services with measurable, relevant outcomes. 

Currently, Bethesda serves over 8000 children and youth through facilities in Meadville and Erie. The children and youth range in age from birth to 24 years old and come from various communities throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

"Our services and employment are provided in a nondiscriminatory manner, without regard to race, sex, color, national origin, ancestry, religious creed, disability and age."

Residential Programs

Foster Care & Permanency Services

Partial & Acute Partial Hospitalization

Erie County Independent 
Living Program (ECILP)

Intensive Behavioral Health Services (IBHS)

Trinity Center After School Programs

Alternative Education

Student Assistance Program (SAP)

Erie County Programming

North Star Mentoring

Psychiatric Residential Treatment

Right Start - Young Mothers Program

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