After consultation with several different of our stakeholder groups, Bethesda Lutheran Service’s N & D plan for the use of ARP ESSER funding is to employ a school counselor to assist with the mental health impact of the pandemic on students at our campus. Students have experienced anxiety over possible symptoms/exposures for themselves and for family members. If exposed, students would have to be quarantined with the same group of peers twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week until test results were obtained. Students were unable to visit with family members, caseworkers, or go on routine medical appointments. We also had students who were unable to grieve with their families over the loss of a loved one, resulting in acting-out behaviors and an increase in AWOL attempts. Students displayed increased levels of anxiety and depression, as well as a decrease in motivation. Some students experienced higher levels of hyperactivity due to social restrictions such as being confined to their classroom seat for extended periods of time. Students also expressed concern over the learning gaps they were experiencing prior to returning to their home schools, due to the lack of in-person instruction. Provision of a school counselor will help support the increased individual mental health needs of our students and ensure their continued academic success. Due to the continuation of the pandemic, we anticipate this to be an ongoing need to support our student’s growth and mental well being.