

The climb begins June 27th, 2025

Support Bethesda's CEO George Trauner & COO Jerrad Rimel on their trek up Mt. Kilimanjaro while raising funds for our Right Start for Young Mothers Program!

Please consider donating in support of our brave leadership as they climb for promising futures.

Our climb will be supporting our Right Start for Young Mothers Program which provides services to pregnant or parenting young women ages 12-21 with their accompanying infant, toddler, or young child.

Our skilled team of staff works with young women to assist them in becoming strong, confident, and independent mothers using strategies and techniques aimed at enhancing parenting knowledge and skills, continuing education, and developing independent living skills. Program staff provide child care and age-appropriate developmental activities for infants, toddlers, and young children residing in the program.

The young women participate in evidence-based therapeutic treatment groups to include evidence-based parenting classes a minimum of two times a week. Young mothers are offered mental health therapy from our skilled clinicians, and obtain psychiatric, psychological, and medical consultations, as necessary.

“Our Right Start program provides pregnant and parenting young mothers with the resources to raise their babies and build nurturing families for the future, decreasing risk factors associated with teenage parenting and for many providing an opportunity to positively impact multi-generational trauma”.

Kelly-  Program Director Right Start for Young Mothers

Your donation counts as DOUBLE for the next $25K we raise!

Total Donations so far - $50,750

The Tracker below only shows donations made through the online portal through PayPal

This total does NOT include

any cash or check donations!


Roger Willis & Christine Norwood Fund

Northwestern REC

Chris & Kate Zerbe

Carol Sellman

George & Loretta Trauner

James Arter

Rande & Christine Joy

Dick Eglinton

Harold Goodrum

Matthew Filippi

Matthew Zewe

Matthew & Kathryn Bennett

Charles & Wendy Anderson

John & Linda Guenther

Nancy Kokovich

Mahoney Marketing

Steven Roach

Dorothy Luckcock

McGill Power Bell & Assoc.

Alice Dalmaso

Francis Zappitelli

Robert O'Shea

Lynn Diplacido

Dana Kubiak

Kenton Andryc

David & Marie Angelini

Nancy O'Neill

Lisa Slomski

John & Lori Petruso

Chad & Amanda Dickson

James & Maureen Hickernell

David Pogue

Brian Deane

Kenneth Deane

Don & Sandra Krueger

Meadville Medical Center

John & Nancy Perrine

Mark & Jodi Kilburn

Josh & Valerie Lardi

Horton's Safety, Training & Consulting

Latrica Barnett

Evalyn Clickett

Edward Easley

Dennis Rachocki

Kenneth & Deborah Pipp

Benjamin Cares Commercial Photography

Edward V. & Jessie L. Peters Charitable Trust

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