Our climb is from June 28th - July 7th 2025
Support Bethesda's CEO & COO on their trek up Mt. Kilimanjaro while raising funds for our Right Start for Young Mothers Program!
Our climb will be supporting our Right Start for Young Mothers Program which provides services to pregnant or parenting young women ages 12-21 with their accompanying infant, toddler, or young child.
Our skilled team of staff works with young women to assist them in becoming strong, confident, and independent mothers using strategies and techniques aimed at enhancing parenting knowledge and skills, continuing education, and developing independent living skills. Program staff provide child care and age-appropriate developmental activities for infants, toddlers, and young children residing in the program.
The young women participate in evidence-based therapeutic treatment groups to include evidence-based parenting classes a minimum of two times a week. Young mothers are offered mental health therapy from our skilled clinicians, and obtain psychiatric, psychological, and medical consultations, as necessary.
This program also partners with the New Life Unit at Meadville Medical Center, Early Intervention, WIC, Early Head Start, and Project ELECT.